Wednesday Noon Bible Study
Everyone is invited to join us. Bible Study meets at noon every Wednesday. You are invited to bring a lunch if you wish.

Soup & Bread Meal
We gather twice for Lenten midweek services during the season this year on March 13 and April 3. We will sing Holden Evening Prayer, supported by musicians led by Dave Kane. A simple meal of soup and bread will be available by 6:00 PM each night.

Holden Evening Prayer
We gather twice for Lenten midweek services during the season this year on March 13 and April 3. We will sing Holden Evening Prayer, supported by musicians led by Dave Kane. A simple meal of soup and bread will be available by 6:00 PM each night.
Choir of Gethsemane in 1941.

Wednesday Noon Bible Study
Everyone is invited to join us. Bible Study meets at noon every Wednesday. You are invited to bring a lunch if you wish.

Wednesday Noon Bible Study
Everyone is invited to join us. Bible Study meets at noon every Wednesday. You are invited to bring a lunch if you wish.

Maundy Thursday Service
Maundy Thursday Service commemorates the Last Supper, where Jesus instituted the Lord's Supper (Communion), and the betrayal that followed, emphasizing Jesus's commandment to love one another.

Good Friday Service
Good Friday is a solemn day commemorating the crucifixion and death of Jesus Christ, marked by reflection, intercession, and the adoration of Christ on the cross, often with special services and a focus on the Passion narratives.

Wednesday Noon Bible Study
Everyone is invited to join us. Bible Study meets at noon every Wednesday. You are invited to bring a lunch if you wish.

Wednesday Noon Bible Study
Everyone is invited to join us. Bible Study meets at noon every Wednesday. You are invited to bring a lunch if you wish.

March Free Community Meal
The final Community Meal is scheduled for March 16 from 3-4 pm . Please consider volunteering for this event in some way. In addition to providing meals to anyone who comes to the church, we also deliver meals to church members upon request, and to unsheltered individuals around the city of Manchester.
To volunteer, please contact the ReachOut committee.
Unfortunately, this will be our last free community meal as our program has come to an end. All are welcome! Parking available at 60 Pennacook Street.

Soup & Bread Meal
We gather twice for Lenten midweek services during the season this year on March 13 and April 3. We will sing Holden Evening Prayer, supported by musicians led by Dave Kane. A simple meal of soup and bread will be available by 6:00 PM each night.

Wednesday Noon Bible Study
Everyone is invited to join us. Bible Study meets at noon every Wednesday. You are invited to bring a lunch if you wish.

Ash Wednesday Service
One of the most solemn liturgies of the church year is the Ash Wednesday service. It has been noted that unlike the easy flow of the rest of the church year from one season into the next, Ash Wednesday represents an abrupt interruption. “Ash Wednesday is not a continuation or extension of the themes of the time after the Epiphany or even a bridge between Epiphany and Easter. It is not related to the recalling of the stages in the life of Christ. It comes as an unexpected interruption, almost without warning. It always catches us up short with its unwelcome message of mortality.” (Philip Pfatteicher, Journey into the Heart of God: Living the Liturgical Year, p. 140). Since so many of us have difficulty driving at night, we gather for worship on March 5 at noon. If you work during the day, maybe this is the day for a long lunch hour.

Mardi Gras Potluck
Friends Potluck will be held on Thursday, February 27 in the Mary Martha Room. Please arrive anytime after 5:30pm. Doors will open at 6:00pm.

Wednesday Noon Bible Study
Everyone is invited to join us. Bible Study meets at noon every Wednesday. You are invited to bring a lunch if you wish.

February Free Community Meal
We provide a free Community Meal every third Sunday of each month from 3-4 PM until our program comes to an end in March of 2025. In addition to providing meals to anyone who comes to the church, we also deliver meals to church members upon request, and to unsheltered individuals around the city of Manchester.
To volunteer, please contact the ReachOut committee

Wednesday Noon Bible Study
Everyone is invited to join us. Bible Study meets at noon every Wednesday. You are invited to bring a lunch if you wish.

Wednesday Noon Bible Study
Everyone is invited to join us. Bible Study meets at noon every Wednesday. You are invited to bring a lunch if you wish.

Wednesday Noon Bible Study
Everyone is invited to join us. Bible Study meets at noon every Wednesday. You are invited to bring a lunch if you wish.

Wednesday Noon Bible Study
Everyone is invited to join us. Bible Study meets at noon every Wednesday. You are invited to bring a lunch if you wish.

Wednesday Noon Bible Study
Everyone is invited to join us. Bible Study meets at noon every Wednesday. You are invited to bring a lunch if you wish.

January Free Community Meal
We provide a free Community Meal every third Sunday of each month from 3-4 PM. In addition to providing meals to anyone who comes to the church, we also deliver meals to church members upon request, and to unsheltered individuals around the city of Manchester.
To volunteer, please contact the ReachOut committee

Wednesday Noon Bible Study
Everyone is invited to join us. Bible Study meets at noon every Wednesday. You are invited to bring a lunch if you wish.

Wednesday Noon Bible Study
Everyone is invited to join us. Bible Study meets at noon every Wednesday. You are invited to bring a lunch if you wish.

Celebration of Life for Eleanor Cunningham
Dear Gethsemane Members and Friends,
We gather at the church to commend our sister Eleanor Cunningham to the mercy and love of God on Monday, December 23 at 11:00 am. Refreshments and conversation will follow at the collation. Eleanor’s obituary can be found here.

Wednesday Noon Bible Study
Everyone is invited to join us. The topic is women of the Bible. Bible Study meets at noon every Wednesday. You are invited to bring a lunch if you wish.

December Free Community Meal
We provide a free Community Meal every third Sunday of each month from 3-4 PM. In addition to providing meals to anyone who comes to the church, we also deliver meals to church members upon request, and to unsheltered individuals around the city of Manchester.
To volunteer, please contact the ReachOut committee

Join us at the 3rd Annual Christmas Cantata
First Congregational Church
of Manchester
December 15, 2024 at 2 pm
Our Christmas Cantata concert is a joyful expression of the Christmas season. The concert features new and traditional carols, singers, and orchestra players. At the conclusion of the event, a free will offering will be collected to benefit the Union Leader's Santa Fund.
We would love to have you join us. If you are interested in singing the choir, click the link below.

Wednesday Noon Bible Study
Everyone is invited to join us. The topic is women of the Bible. Bible Study meets at noon every Wednesday. You are invited to bring a lunch if you wish.

Wednesday Noon Bible Study
Everyone is invited to join us. The topic is women of the Bible. Bible Study meets at noon every Wednesday. You are invited to bring a lunch if you wish.

Wednesday Noon Bible Study
Everyone is invited to join us. The topic is women of the Bible. Bible Study meets at noon every Wednesday. You are invited to bring a lunch if you wish.

Friends Potluck
Friendsgiving Potluck will be held on Thursday, November 21st in the Mary Martha Room. Please arrive anytime after 5:30pm. Doors will open at 6:00.