We are a Reconciling in Christ Church, committed to serving and supporting the LGBTQ+ community

We believe firmly in the power of Christ’s message of welcome and reconciliation to all people. We strive to be a safe and inclusive community and we share a commitment to racial equity. We publicly welcome people of all sexual orientations, gender identities, and gender expressions, as well as those who may have been excluded because of other human distinctions, such as race, ability, age, or economic status

Is Reconciling in Christ the same as being an Open and Affirming Church or a Welcoming Church?

Different denominations use different language to talk about their welcome to the LGBTQ+ community, and different denominations have different processes for broadening their welcome. Reconciling in Christ is the Lutheran version. To learn more about Reconciling in Christ, and the commitments and journey’s that RIC congregations, please visit the website for ReconcilingWorks | Lutherans for Full Participation, which guides Churches through becoming Reconciling in Christ, and has many outstanding resources for Churches and individuals.