Welcome to Gethsemane.
We’re glad you are visiting! Our Service usually takes place every Sunday at 8:45 AM in our Sanctuary at 65 Sagamore St. in Manchester as well as streamed live online. For more information on our worship, weather cancellations, or to view our livestream, visit Worship Information.
Christ Welcomed All, So Do We.
We are a community that is open to all people; we seek to reflect the rich diversity of our city, and strive to be as welcoming as our Savior, Jesus Christ. Regardless of what you look like, how much money you make, how educated you are, whom you love, or what kind of past you have lived, you are welcome here. We gather in all our strengths and weaknesses, our successes and failures, knowing that through God’s nurturing love, all can find acceptance, forgiveness, growth, and transformation. Having experienced God’s forgiveness, healing, and reconciliation, we continue to share God’s grace with everyone.